
Tummy Tucks: What They Are and Who They’re For

Have you ever wondered what a tummy tuck procedure involves and whether or not it is something that you qualify for? If so, then in this article we are going to cover absolutely everything you need to know, including what the procedure looks like, what potential risks and complications are involved, how long it takes to recover, and more.

What is a tummy tuck?

A tummy tuck is the unofficial name given to a cosmetic surgery procedure named abdominoplasty. This procedure is designed to remove excess fat and skin from the abdomen, thus improving the shape and reducing its size. But, who is the tummy tuck suitable for and why do people go through with this procedure?

Abdominoplasty is among one of the most popular medical tourism procedures in Thailand.


Who are tummy tucks suitable for?

The tummy tuck is not a procedure that is open to or recommended for everyone. There is a strict selection process, so bear that in mind before making any further decisions.

The most important thing to remember is that a tummy tuck is not a good or healthy substitute for weight loss. This isn’t a cosmetic surgery that allows people to cut corners on weight loss. In fact, if you are clinically obese and desperate to lose weight and improve your appearance, we strongly recommend that you speak with your doctor and look at ways in which you can improve your diet and get a reasonable amount of exercise each day in order to facilitate a healthy weight loss.

The tummy tuck is suitable for the following people:

  • Women who have recently gone through pregnancy: having a baby takes its toll on the body and can render women feeling unhappy in their bodies due to an excess of fat and skin on the abdomen. A tummy tuck is suitable for people in this instance as it can enable them to effectively remove much of the excess skin from pregnancy and restore their body to its natural appearance.
  • People who have lost a significant amount of weight: if you have a BMI of over 30, then you will not be suitable for a tummy tuck. This is because the amount of excess fat and skin to be removed will render your body prone to infection. A cosmetic procedure like this is simply far too invasive for people who are much larger and unhealthier than most. However, if you can lose weight (as mentioned above) through diet and exercise, once you are comfortably below a BMI of 25, you will be able to explore this cosmetic procedure further. Naturally, having undergone such drastic weight loss, your tummy will have an excess of skin that can make people feel incredibly self-conscious, however, a successful tummy tuck can safely remove the excess skin and restore lost confidence with great efficiency.

Please also note that in order to be deemed suitable for a tummy tuck, you have to be in relative good health. It is recommended that only non-smokers who are in good physical health should apply.


How does a tummy tuck work? What is the procedure?

The procedure of a tummy tuck is relatively straight forward. Here’s a closer look at the process:

  • Before your tummy tuck you will have an initial consultation with your plastic surgeon who will discuss the procedure in greater depth, set your expectations, and discuss your desires.
  • Following that they will mark the area of skin and fat that you wish to be removed.
  • When you are ready to begin, you will be administered with either general anaesthetic or intravenous sedation – your doctor will discuss which option is best with you in your consultation.
  • During the procedure, your plastic surgeon will make incisions into your abdomen and remove most of the fat and skin between your belly button and public region (this is done in an oval or elliptical shape).
  • Depending on your body type and size, a second incision may be made above the belly button in order to remove excess skin from the upper abdomen.
  • The upper abdominal skin is pulled down.
  • Next, the remaining fat and tissue will be spread out evenly to create a smooth and natural looking formation.
  • The connective tissue (aka the fascia) which lies over your abdominal muscles is then tightened and secured with permanent sutures.

The whole procedure will typically take between 3 and 5-hours. Again, you will likely be under general anaesthesia (which is why you need to be in excellent physical health to ensure the utmost safety).

Finally, you will be ready to make your recovery. Generally speaking, you will be required to remain in hospital for 5-nights where you will be under close observation of your physician. This is to ensure that they procedure has been successful and that there is no risk of infection.

After the tummy tuck surgery

After the procedure you will feel tired and there will be pain, swelling, and bruising. This can be uncomfortable, however, you will be well looked after.

Within 2 to 3-days you will likely need to have fluids drained from your belly.

During the 5-day stay in hospital, you will be required to be still and avoid any sudden movements while your body recovers and your wounds heal. You will however, be encouraged to walk as soon as possible after the surgery, under the care of your nurses.

After 5 to 7-days, the stiches will be removed.

You will also be required to wear specialist surgical underwear, including a tight dressing (that you will be instructed on how to apply / change / and safely shower / bathe.


How long does it take to recover from a tummy tuck procedure?

The overall recovery period from a tummy tuck procedure is actually impressively short.

You can go back to work after a month of recovery, however, you will need to avoid any sports or strenuous exercise for up to 3-months. Light exercise is highly recommended to ease your body back into your usual routine.

After 3-months of solid recovery, you should be more or less back to life us usual. Of course, certain individuals may heal much faster, while others could require another week or 2 here or there.

In any case, provided you follow all of your aftercare instructions given to you by your surgeon, you shouldn’t run into any problems.

Are there any risks involved with tummy tucks?

As with any cosmetic procedure, there are certain risks and potential complications involved. These include:

  • Infection.
  • Nerve damage.
  • Changes in skin sensation.
  • Unexpected / severe scarring.
  • A build-up of fluid under the skin.
  • The potential for deep tissue in your abdomen to become damaged.

Before you make any commitments, your plastic surgeon will discuss all of these potential risks and complications. Additionally, they can give you plenty advice on how to avoid these complications and significantly reduce your personal risk during your recovery time.


How much does a tummy tuck cost and are they covered by insurance?

A tummy tuck can vary significantly in price depending on where you go (from $3 to $15k). In Thailand, a high-quality tummy tuck from a trusted clinic like Sun Medico can cost you anywhere from 160,000 THB ($4.6k USD), and upwards. Generally speaking, tummy tucks are not covered by insurance as they are classified as a cosmetic procedure. There may however, be some instances in which your insurance cover might foot the bill – but this is rare, if not practically unheard of.

When it comes to yours, we advise that you do not shop on price, but reputation. Read up on your prospective cosmetic surgery clinic and look for social proof from other patients who have used them. This is the best way to ensure that you are getting excellent value for your money – and indeed that you are perfectly safe.

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Facial Rejuvenation: How Face Lifts Can Turn Back the Clock on Aging

What is facial rejuvenation? Is it another term for a face lift or does it include a wider range of cosmetic procedures? And is this something that you are suitable for / can benefit from? If you’ve always been interested in facial rejuvenation and wish to explore your options further, read on and we’ll tell you everything you need to know – including what the procedures look like and whether or not there are any risks involved.

What is facial rejuvenation?

Facial rejuvenation is a blanket term that refers to a variety of cosmetic and surgical procedures that ‘lift’ the face and tighten the skin. These procedures vary in invasiveness and complexity, though typically involve making incisions above the hairline in order to hide scarring and ‘lifting’ fat pads to give the face a more natural and youthful appearance.

Before we get into the various types of facial rejuvenation available and how the procedures work, first let’s look at who make suitable candidates for such treatments


Who are suitable candidates for facial rejuvenation procedures?       

Facial rejuvenation procedures are suitable for anyone who wishes to tighten the skin on their face and battle the signs of aging. However, not everyone can sign up for facial rejuvenation; you need to meet certain criteria in order to be deemed a suitable candidate:

  • You must be in good physical health. While these procedures are minimally invasive, they are not without risk or complication. If you are in poor physical health, those minor risks are amplified.
  • Non-smokers are recommended for facial rejuvenation procedures. Not only are smokers generally less physically healthy, thus increasing the risk of complication, but smoking is also highly detrimental to the condition of the skin which can render the treatments less effective. For the best results, you must be a non-smoker.
  • You must have realistic expectations about what can be achieved through facial rejuvenation – while also adopting healthful habits that promote good skin condition (e.g., not smoking, limiting alcohol intake, wearing sunscreen, drinking plenty of water, exercising and adopting a healthy diet, etc.). Choosing facial rejuvenation as a substitute for healthful living is not recommended.


What are the different types of face lifts?

There are 9 main types of face life that you can choose from. Depending on your desired results and/or the condition of your skin, your cosmetic surgeon can make any of the following recommendations:

  • Deep plane / SMAS facelift: deep plane lifts are intended to eliminate sagging skin at the base of the chin and neck. This is done by lifting and strengthening the muscles in that portion of the face.
  • Mini facelift: a mini facelift is a surgical technique that makes small incisions under the hairline in order to inconspicuously tighten and smooth out the skin, while also removing any excess tissue.
  • Mid-facelift: mid-facelifts targets the middle section of the face, in particular, the cheeks. Excess skin will either be removed or used to lift up the cheeks in order to remove sagging and wrinkles.
  • Cheek lift: a cheek lift is designed to enhance the appearance of the cheekbones while removing and/or reducing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • Jawline rejuvenation: jawline rejuvenation is ideal for ageing women as this is where those signs are most prominent. The process extricates excess fat cells from the neck area through liposuction and then the neck is contoured and reshaped for a more prominent jawline.
  • S-Lift: an s-lift targets the lower half of the face around the neck and jaw line where an s-shaped incision is made, excess fat cells are removed, and the muscles and underlying tissue is contoured for a smooth and wrinkle-free appearance.
  • Cutaneous lift: a cutaneous lift targets the lower face, with incisions made in the hairline and behind the ears. The top layer of skin is separated from the muscles and tissue in order to tighten the face.
  • Temporal / brow lift: a temporal or brow lift is suitable for people whose eyebrows are particularly saggy or low-hanging. A small incision is made along the hairline and the skin is lifted and stretches to reduce dropping skin with a much faster recovery time.
  • Liquid facelift: a liquid facelift refers to the process of using injectables to tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles (Botox, etc.).


What is the procedure/s involved with facial rejuvenation?

The process will vary depending on which facial rejuvenation treatment you choose, however, the initial consultation will always be the same:

  • You will sit down with your cosmetic surgeon for an initial consultation where they will ask all about your medical history, what medications you are taking (if applicable), any supplements that you are on, if you have allergies, etc.
  • Following that your cosmetic surgeon will want to get to know your needs and expectations better. They will also carry out an inspection to see what your skin type is like and to what extent your face has wrinkled / sagged. This is essential for recommending the best possible facial rejuvenation treatment for you.
  • Once both you and your cosmetic surgeon have all of the necessary information and you are happy to proceed, you will be booked in for your cosmetic treatment.


Are there any risks / complications involved with a face lift?

There are a few risks and potential complications involved, depending on which treatment you choose and how well you follow your aftercare instructions. These include:

  • Potential nerve damage.
  • Hematoma (the collection of blood under the skin).
  • Scarring.
  • Hair loss at incision sites.
  • Skin loss.

Just like any other type of major surgery, face lifts can pose a risk of bleeding and infection. There is also the slight chance that you may have a reaction to the anaesthesia (which is another reason why you must be in excellent health to be deemed a suitable candidate.

In order to reduce the risk of these potential complications, you are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle, limit your alcohol intake, don’t smoke, and protect your skin from unnecessary sun damage.


How long does it take to successfully recover from facial rejuvenation?

Again, the time it takes to recover will largely depend on which procedure you choose. However, as a rule of thumb, most people recover from facial rejuvenation within 10 to 14-days.

For injectables, any minor swelling and bruising will clear up in a matter of hours.

For a standard face lift (which is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments for medical tourism in Thailand), most patients are more than happy with their results and tend to continue as normal with the day to day life and activities in as little as 1-week.



How much does it cost and is a face lift covered by insurance?

The cost of a face lift can vary significantly depending on what type of procedure you get, and indeed where you choose to get the procedure done.

If you are interested in medical tourism and wish to visit Thailand for a cheaper fact lift procedure (without sacrificing on quality of care or results), then you’ll be looking at cosmetic surgery prices anywhere from 210,000 THB and upwards (roughly $6k USD).

As for health insurance, a face lift is very rarely covered as it is deemed as cosmetic, as opposed to medical. That being said, there are some cases in which a face lift or certain injectables may be prescribed by your doctor to treat certain ailments (e.g., temporomandibular disorder / TMJ). 

Of course, such cases are rare which means that you will more than likely have to pay for your own treatment. Fortunately, medical tourism in Thailand is highly accessible and the level of care available is exceptional.

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Innovative procedures used in medical tourism in Thailand

Thailand has long been crowned the medical tourism capital of the world, offering a wide variety of internationally recognised treatments at highly affordable prices. You can get the finest dental care, unparalleled cosmetic treatments, and a number of other tried-and-tested treatments for a plethora of chronic injuries and illnesses. However, what really sets Thailand apart from the rest of the medical tourism destinations is their commitment to innovative and ground-breaking procedures.

In this article, we’re going to focus specifically on stem cell therapy, anti-aging treatments, and the many innovations Thailand has made in regenerative medicine. Read on and we’ll explore these procedures in greater depth – including the advantages of choosing Thailand above all else for your medical tourism requirements.

Stem cell therapy in Thailand

Thailand is home to a number of internationally recognised medical institutions that offer comprehensive and scientifically backed stem cell therapy treatments for a multitude of degenerative diseases and conditions.

Over years and years of research and clinical application of modern cellular therapeutics, Thailand’s world-class medical professionals can provide you with leading expertise in gene therapy, tissue engineering, cell biology, and clinical stem cell research.

Whether you are suffering from chronic, autoimmune, neurological, orthopaedic, or degenerative vascular disease, you can find many an institution in Thailand that can provide you with innovative treatments with a proven track record of success.

Thailand’s commitment to regenerative medicine

Thailand is committed to the advancement of and innovation in regenerative medicine. But, what is it and how can it benefit you?

Regenerative medicine is dedicated to replacing tissue and/or organs that have been damaged due to disease, trauma, or congenital problems. This is different from traditional clinical strategies as regenerative medicine is intended to replace and repair, as opposed to simply treating the symptoms.

The tools used in regenerative medicine are cellular therapies, tissue engineering, and artificial organs.

Often referred to as stem cell therapy, regenerative medicine is not a new phenomenon. In fact, it first began to grow in popularity three decades ago in the 1990s when tissue engineering and procedures like skin grafting become widespread.

The field has gone through leaps and bounds in many years and Thailand is one of the country’s leading the charge.

If you are unable to receive the treatments you desire in your home country, it is almost certainly worth exploring the potential benefits of seeking regenerative medicine treatments in Thailand.

Anti-aging treatments in Thailand

While Thailand offers a wide variety of internationally recognised medical procedures, it is arguably most popular for its innovations within the cosmetic treatment industry.

When planning your medical tourism trip to Thailand, you can choose from a growing range of proven anti-aging treatments, depending on your age and your skins condition.

These vary from surgical (in the form of neck lifts, browplasty, and facelifts), and non-surgical / minimally invasive treatments (including Botox and dermabrasion).

Here’s a look at some of the anti-aging treatments available in Thailand:

  • Botox and other injectables: Botox and dermal fillers can be used to treat a variety of skin conditions, including age-related wrinkles. The best part about these proven treatments is the fact that they often provide instant results!
  • Chemical / laser peels: chemical and laser peels are designed to remove the outer layers of skin (particularly damaged areas) so that they skin can rejuvenate by itself, naturally. The newer layer of skin will form firmer due to the collagen stimulation, thus providing patients with a smoother complexion that appears younger.
  • Dermabrasion / microdermabrasion: these anti-aging treatments use a device that passes over the facial skin, exfoliating and damaging it, thus causing a new layer of skin to grow back, smoother.
  • Ultherapy: ultherapy relies on ultrasound in order to tighten the skin on your face, neck, brows, and chin. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

Of course, most of these anti-aging treatments are available all over the world, however, they are considerably cheap in Thailand – without compromising on the quality of care and customer service provided.

Other treatments include:

  • Stem cell facelift
  • Nonablative skin rejuvenation
  • Microneedling
  • Laser resurfacing
  • And many more!

Is medical tourism in Thailand safe?

For some people, reading ‘innovative procedures in medical tourism’ may conjure images of: ‘untested treatments looking for guinea pigs’. You can rest assured that the medical tourism industry in Thailand is thriving for good reason.

The fact is, Thailand is exceptionally safe and boasts some of the finest medical institutions in the entire world. You must move away from the preconceptions of Thailand being a developing country and recognise the fact that in many areas – including stem cell therapy and cosmetic surgery, the Kingdom of Thailand is leading the charge.

What are some of the benefits of medical tourism in Thailand?

Unconvinced? Here’s a quick look at some of the advantages of choosing Thailand for your medical tourism needs:

  • Affordability: Thailand is approximately 40% to 70% cheaper than countries like Australia and the United States for medical treatments. You can quite literally receive the same level of care (if not better), for a fraction of the price and save thousands of dollars – including a tropical vacation.
  • Accessibility: you can access a variety of innovative treatments and therapies in some of the finest healthcare facilities in the world. Not only that, but Thailand has access to state-of-the-art medical equipment.
  • Superior service & care: the healthcare professionals in Thailand are trained to an international standard and boast some of the finest talent. Additionally, it’s not just world-class treatment you can expect, but the superior level of hospitality for which Thailand is renowned (they don’t call it ‘the land of smiles’ for no reason).
  • Service bundles: fancy a three-week vacation after your medical procedure? Like the sound of enjoying daily spa treatments followed by a spot of sunbathing by the pool on a tropical island in the heart of South-East Asia? You’ll be amazed by some of the incredible medical tourism service bundles available in Thailand.

Final thoughts

Thailand is a land of healing and healthful living. It boasts a rich, cultural tapestry that is rooted in happiness and well-being. On every corner you’ll find a Thai massage parlour; you can’t walk 100meteres without coming across a fresh fruit and vegetable vendor; there are entire resorts dedicated to spa treatments and yoga; and the country is home to thousands and thousands of gilded temples dedicated to the enrichment of the spirit.

Given Thailand’s commitment to healthy living and being in tune with the body, it’s no wonder why it rose to the top of the pile as a global leader in medical tourism.

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Benefits of visiting Thailand for Medical Tourism

Everybody knows that Thailand has long been one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, with people from all walks of life flocking to their shores to enjoy a rich cultural tapestry and unparalleled cuisine in a tropical paradise. But, did you know that there’s so much more to Thailand than meets the eye?

In this article, we’re going to talk about Thailand’s thriving medical tourism industry. That’s right; people from all over the world visit Thailand every single year, not just for the white-sand beaches and world-class hospitality, but for all manner of medical procedure.

But, what is it about Thailand that makes it so popular for medical tourism? And what are the benefits of visiting Thailand for certain medical procedures? Read on and we’ll tell you everything you need to know…

1 – Highly affordable

The primary benefit of visiting Thailand for medical tourism is how affordable the procedures are. Healthcare in Thailand is so cheap in fact, that many people can afford to pay for flights and a holiday in addition to their treatment!

The medical processes and treatments are approximately 40% to 70% cheaper than those in Australia and the United States. With attractively low affordability and so much cost-saving potential, it’s a no brainer right? But what about the quality of care?

2 – Exceptionally trained Doctors

Contrary to what you might think, the medical staff and capabilities in Thailand are of an exceptional standard. In fact, the medical technology and level of training provided to medical professionals such as surgeons, doctors, physicians, nurses, and paramedics is of an internationally recognised standard.

Thailand offers the most innovative procedures performed safely by licenced and accredited healthcare professionals. Many of the private institutions in Thailand are on par with a number of Western facilities offering high quality medical care (only, much cheaper).

3 – A world-class service

Another highly attractive benefits of visiting Thailand for medical tourism is the level of service and customer care that they provide. Thailand is affectionately referred to as ‘the land of smiles’ due to their world-class hospitality and that level of care and attention can be found in their medical tourism facilities as well.

If you roll with the best medical facilities, you can enjoy some of the following advantages:

  • Studio apartment size room including free Wi-Fi, a washroom, and kitchen (so your family members or a partner can stay with you).
  • Complementary alcohol-free drinks with lounge areas.
  • Check-in reception.
  • In-house travel agents that can assist with visa extensions and last-minute changes to travel plans, etc.
  • Translation services for international patients (although the majority of the medical staff speak excellent English).

Simply put, from start to finish, you will receive a superior service – one that is on par with (and often exceeds) that of many western countries.

4 – Attractive bundling services

While you’re in Thailand seeking whatever treatments you require, why not bundle it with a relaxing holiday while you’re at it?

Many medical tourists opt for bundling services so that they can enjoy discounted dental implants along with a week or two in a luxury island resort with spa days and massage treatments to boot.

This is particularly attractive if the medical procedure you are having will take a week or two to fully recover from before you fly again; thus allowing you to enjoy a dream vacation while you are at it.

5 – Fewer complications when entering the country

Thailand offers its medical tourists the option to remain in the country with visa exemption. This means that you can easily stay up to 30-days in Thailand without having to acquire a visa. All you need is a passport that is valid for at least 6-months and you can enjoy a relaxing 30-day visit in one of the most sought-after tourist destinations in the world.

Not only that, but should you decide to stay a little longer and enjoy the many fruitful offerings that Thailand boasts, you can extend your visa in-country for another 30-days.

6 – The finest destination with plenty of distraction

If you have never visited Thailand before, we cannot stress quite enough how beautiful the country is. Whether you decide to visit for medical reasons or not, you should make a point of visiting the Kingdom at some point in the future because it truly is one of the finest destinations in the world.

Gorgeous tropical weather, world-famous Thai cuisine, exotic islands with pristine white sands and crystal clear waters lined with fish-tail palms, emerald green mountains, thousands of gilded temples, and thriving cities are just a handful of the incredible attractions that Thailand has to offer.

Couple this with internationally recognised medical treatments and you’ll be in for the vacation of a lifetime!

7 – Alternative, holistic treatments

Thailand also offers medical tourists a number of attractive alternative and holistic treatments in order to promote a harmonious recovery, integrating mind, body, and spirit. Such treatments include:

  • Tui Na Chinese massage: using deep-pressure and periodic techniques, this ancient massage is designed to increase the flow of vitality through key energy passages and pressure points.
  • Acupuncture: East meets West with this ancient Chinese tradition, restoring curative vitalisation and energy flow throughout the body.
  • Cupping: for increased blood circulation.
  • Moxibustion: using various herbs to enhance the healing and recovery from chronic injuries.
  • And so much more…


As you can see, Thailand has earned its title of medical tourism capital of the world with good reason; affordability, accessibility, innovative procedures, high class medical care, world-class customer service and hospitality, no visa complications, bundling services with all manner of relaxing excursion – what’s not to love?

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