
Face Lift

A face lift is suitable for people who want to correct the signs of their aging skin. Nowadays women AND men often opt for this procedure, especially at ages 50 and up.
A face lift surgery can correct skin sagging, wrinkles, deep creases, double chin and more.

210,000 Thai Baht

There are several surgical procedures to perform a face lift. Your plastic surgeon will inspect your face and advise you on the best procedure for you.
In general we would like to achieve that the tissues of the skin get tightened. Often fat pads have sagged and need to be relocated higher. Those give the face its natural and youthful look.

Your plastic surgeon usually makes incisions above the hairline in order hide any possible scarring. Other incision can be made at the crease that is just before the ear and behind it. Another incision is made above the hairline at the lower scalp. All this is done in order to make possible scarring invisible.

A face lift can be done in combination with other procedures, for example fat removal by liposuction.

Stay at the Hospital for

1 - 3 Nights

Surgery Duration

2 - 10 Hours


General Anesthesia

Before your Face Lift surgery

In order to avoid complications the surgeon needs to know about any and all medications that you are taking. That also includes supplements. Before your travel to Thailand we will enquire about your medical condition and any possible allergies.

Some medications can cause complications and excess bleeding during surgery. Please inform us if your taking Brufen or Aspirin. You must stop taking those medications minimum two weeks prior face lift surgery.

Smoking can affect your reaction to the anesthetic and slow down the healing process. You should stop smoking minimum two weeks before face lift surgery.

Please inform your surgeon if you have hypertension (high blood pressure).

After Face Lift Surgery

face lift

Directly after face lift surgery you will most likely feel tired and have pain. Your doctor will prescribe some pain medication. You will probably wear bandages or a compression mask. Their will we bruising and swelling.

Each person is different, so the speed of recovery varies for each person. You can help speeding up recovery by treating scars and bruises with a Biological Cell Regulation device.

For the first few days after face lift surgery you must ensure to only sleep on your back and wear compression bandages or mask.

If you plan to lose weight, please do so BEFORE face lift surgery, not after.

We recommend doing a little shopping before you are coming to the hospital. Buy mouthwash (it will be many days before you will be able to brush your teeth), cotton buds. Also bring a very mild hair shampoo; best are mild baby products. 
Wear shirts that have buttons or a zip, so you don’t need to pull it over your head.

Risks and Complications

The main risk factor is that there can be done damage to the nerves, which causes a numb feeling around the ears. The numbness will fade, but it takes time.
Most people are very happy with the result and continue their day to day activities after 1 week.

More procedures for the face

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Lipofilling Face

Lipofilling Face is basically a fat transfer from one area to another. As we age, the bonces that support our face tend to shrink in these areas.

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Chin Augmentation

If you would like your chin to have a different shape or increase the size of it, chin augmentation surgery is right for you.

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Nose surgery

Nose Surgery or Rhinoplasty is used to give your nose a new look and shape. Nowadays both, men and women are using nose surgery almost equally.

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