
Breast Implant Surgery (breast augmentation, breast enlargement, boob job)

breast implant surgery

Breast Augmentation Cost

How much your breast augmentation costs depends on several the type of implant that you choose. There are different types of implants, in different shapes, some with a more natural look and feel than others.  These will cost more, but look more natural, especially when you move or lye down.

The cost of breast augmentation depends also on the most suitable breast implant surgery procedure chosen and the combination with other procedures, for example breast lift or tummy tuck.

115,000 Thai Baht

Breast Implant Surgery Procedure

Breast Implant Surgery, also called breast augmentation or simply boob job, is recommended for women whose breasts have not developed as they have wished. Many young women opt for this option in order to enhance their appearance. 

Every woman is different and therefore there are several different procedures which have also an effect on the breast augmentation cost. During breast implant surgery, a breast implant is placed over the chest muscle or under the breast tissue. You surgeon will explain which procedure is most suitable for you.  Breasts are enlarged by silicone based casing implants that are either filled with silicone gel or saline.

If breasts are sagging or drooping, a combination of breast lift and breast implant surgery maybe the best option for you.
Implants are inserted using the most common methods that are incision and insertion at the nipple, under the breast or under the armpit. You plastic surgeon will discuss the best option suitable for you and your desired look and cup size.

Hospital Admission

1 Night

Duration of Operation

2 - 3 Hours


General Anesthesia

Types of implants

We are using Motiva and Mentor breast implants. Motiva implants are made up of different levels of fillings. Mentor implants on the other hand are round in shape and have just one level of filling.

Mentor implants have been used for many years. They are famous and safe. Motiva implants are also 100% safe and their unique silicone gel technology is constantly updated. Mentor implants have not been updated in the last few years.

Motiva breast implants give a natural and beautiful shape. Mentor implants can look somewhat unnatural, especially when moving or lying down on your back.

Both, Motiva and Mentor have its advantages and disadvantages. Your plastic surgeon will discuss those with you and choose the best possible option for you. It is important to submit clear photos prior your arrival.  We will send you clear photo instructions in our free email consultation.

Breast Implant Surgery - Pre Operative Care

In order to avoid complications the surgeon needs to know about any and all medications that you are taking. That also includes supplements. Before your travel to Thailand we will enquire about your medical condition and any possible allergies.

Some medications can cause complications and excess bleeding during surgery. Please inform us if your taking Brufen or Aspirin. You must stop taking those medications minimum two weeks prior tummy tuck surgery.

Smoking can affect your reaction to the anesthetic and slow down the healing process. You should stop smoking minimum two weeks before tummy tuck surgery.

Please inform your surgeon if you have hypertension (high blood pressure).

After Breast Augmentation Surgery

breast augmentation cost

After breast implant surgery you will probably feel tired at first. There will be some pain, especially during the first 3 days. Your doctor will prescribe pain killers though. He will also prescribe antibiotics in order to eliminate the possibility of infection.

It is possible to feel not that peachy during the first days after breast enlargement surgery.  This is mainly caused by stress and a lack of patience with the healing process.

We recommend bringing some shirts with buttons or zip in the front. Those are easier to wear than T-shirts where you have to lift your arms to get in and out again.

After a few days you will be able to resume day-to-day activities. You must avoid lifting anything above your head though or make fast movements during the first few weeks after breast implant surgery.
Keep in mind that if you have small children that require a lot of getting lifted, you will need someone to help you with that.

Results of Breast Implant Surgery

Breast augmentation or breast implant surgery increases your breast size. This usually results in the person being more confident and improves the overall appearance. 

Risks and Complications

Statistics show that since the year 2000 a far lower number have experienced complications that before that year. This is true for both, silicone and saline implants.

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