
Lipofilling Face (fat transfer)

Lipofilling Face is basically a fat transfer from one area to another. As we age, the bonces that support our face tend to shrink in these areas. This causes that skin gets saggy and wrinkly. That causes that you look older and more tired than you actually are.

Lipofilling face is a less invasive way than a surgical face lift. The fat transfer or lipofilling face will give you a more youthful look with skin that is elastic and younger looking. This is the right procedure for you if you are not looking for drastic changes for your face, but would just turn the clock back to a time when you were happy with your facial appearance. 

20,000 Baht

Lipofilling face can be done under local or general anesthesia. Either way you will stay at the hospital for one night. The fat that will be transferred to your face will first be collected from another part of your body. This can be from your thigh, your buttock or abdomen.  If Lipofilling face is done in combination with a liposuction procedure (where stubborn fat is collected from an area of your body) the price of the lipofilling will be lower.

To collect the fat your surgeon will make very tiny incisions at the donor site. This fat will then be “cleaned” to only have the pure fat cells. Those will be injected into your facial area. No scars will be visible.

Stay at Hospital for

1 Day

Surgery Duration

1 - 3 Hours


Local Anesthesia

Before Lipofilling Face

Lipofilling face is a quite simple and fast procedure. It does not require much preparation from your part, but we need to know about your medical history and about any medication that you are taking.

Some medications can cause complications and excess bleeding during surgery. Please inform us if your taking Brufen or Aspirin. You must stop taking those medications minimum two weeks prior face lift surgery.

You should not smoke for 2 weeks prior to surgery or at least smoke less as smoking can slow down the healing process.

Please inform your surgeon if you have hypertension (high blood pressure).

After Lipofilling Face

lipofilling face

Since lipofilling face is a less invasive procedure, recovery time is quick. Usually you can continue with your day to day activities within 24 hours. The site where the fat was collected can be tender for a few days, but should also heal quick.

There might be some swelling and bruising in the face, but this should gone away after 1-2 weeks. Recovery can be faster when applying cold packs to the face and using a Biological Cell Regulation device. The same device can be used to continue treating your face for a lasting youthful look.

Risks and Complications

All surgical procedures carry some risk, so does fat transfer – lipofilling face. The main risk is that up to 70% of the injected fat can be absorbed by the body, making the facial changes not as hoped for. For that reason your surgeon will collect more fat than necessary and inject also more in the beginning.

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