
Belt Lipectomy (more than just a Tummy Tuck)

If you have been losing a great amount of weight than this may have caused loose skin around your waist line.  Compared to a tummy tuck, belt lipectomy removes loose skin and skin folds all around your waist. The surgery will change the way you look, your skin at the abdomen, your lower back and buttocks will become more elastic and firm.

180,000 Thai Baht

You may choose belt lipectomy surgery if you have access skin that causes discomfort, rashes or makes you feel less confident.
Before your arrival to Thailand you will have a detailed online consultation with our plastic surgeon. We need to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for this procedure.

During surgery, the plastic surgeon will make incisions from your back between your buttocks and lower back. Excess skin and fat will be removed.  He then continues to the front and cuts away fat and skin from your lower abdominal area. The remaining skin is then stretched and pulled.  With stitches it will be held in place.  That completes the belt lipectomy.

Stay at the Hospital for 

5 - 7 Night

Surgery Duration

6 - 8 Hours


General Anesthesia

Before Belt Lipectomy

In order to avoid complications the surgeon needs to know about any and all medications that you are taking. That also includes supplements. Before your travel to Thailand we will enquire about your medical condition and any possible allergies.

Some medications can cause complications and excess bleeding during surgery. Please inform us if your taking Brufen or Aspirin. You must stop taking those medications minimum two weeks prior surgery.

Smoking can affect your reaction to the anesthetic and slow down the healing process. You should stop smoking minimum two weeks before belt lipectomy.

Please inform your surgeon if you have hypertension (high blood pressure).

After Belt Lipectomy

belt lipectomy

After belt lipectomy surgery you will feel tired and there will be pain.  This will be controlled by pain medication. A tube might be inserted at the surgical side in order to drain fluid.  Recovery takes time and you will be at the hospital for several days.

You are not allowed to bend at your waist line for minimum one month.  You will see the results of the surgery right away.  If you keep your weight down by following a healthy diet and exercise, the results will be permanent.

Two weeks after being discharged from the hospital you can resume your day to day activities. You will have to wear a supportive compression garment and should avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for several months.

Risks and Complications

The main risks are infection, difficulties with wound healing and nerve damage.

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Butt Implants

Butt implants (buttock implant) are a permanent cosmetic procedure of buttock augmentation - implants.

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Vaser Liposuction

VASER liposuction is an ultrasound technology that is used as a less invasive way (compared to traditional liposuction) to remove stubborn body fat.

arm lift surgery

Arm Lift

Patients can benefit from arm lift surgery if they have sagging skin at the upper arms. This can be the result of losing skin elasticity due to aging, it can be a genetic condition or if you have lost a lot of weight.

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