
Chin Augmentation

If you would like your chin to have a different shape or increase the size of it, chin augmentation surgery is right for you. Sometimes it is only necessary to have implants in order to reshape your chin and have a more attractive face overall. Other times the plastic surgeon needs to operate on tissue and bones. An x-ray before surgery will help making the correct decision on what technique to use.

40,000 Thai Baht

There are several different techniques. In general your plastic surgeon makes a small incision at your lower lip from the inside of your mouth. From there will be the implant put in place. Sutures are from the inside of your lower lip, so there will be no visible scarring. 

Chin augmentation surgery can be done under local or general anesthesia. Talk to your surgeon on consultation day about what is best for your case.

Stay at the Hospital for

0 Night

Surgery Duration

1 - 2 Hours


Local Anesthesia

Before Chin Augmentation

In order to avoid complications the surgeon needs to know about any and all medications that you are taking. That also includes supplements. If you are having bone disorders, chin augmentation surgery might not be possible for you.

Some medications can cause complications and excess bleeding during surgery. Please inform us if your taking Brufen or Aspirin. You must stop taking those medications minimum two weeks prior chin augmentation surgery.

Smoking can affect your reaction to the anesthetic and slow down the healing process. You should stop smoking minimum two weeks chin augmentation surgery.

Please inform your surgeon if you have hypertension (high blood pressure).

After Chin Augmentation Surgery

chin augmentation

The chin will be taped to keep it in shape after surgery and to help with pain and swelling. Stitches inside your mouth will dissolve on its own. If sutures have been used under your chin then those will be removed after one week.

When sleeping elevate your head, maybe use a second pillow. This will help with dealing with the swelling.

Risks and Complications

Complications with chin augmentation surgery are rare.  There can be certain areas that may feel numb, including your lower lip. This is a normal side effect and sensation should return within 3 weeks.

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